
Stages Cycling executives join Giant after suit and apparent shutdown

April 24, 2024

At least four former Stages Cycling executives have joined Giant Manufacturing as the power meter and smart bike brand has apparently stopped operations. Meanwhile Giant, which manufactures many Stages products in Taiwan, is suing Stages for about $14 million in unpaid invoices.

AIPS Technology, a Giant Manufacturing subsidiary, filed suit against Stages in Oregon on Feb. 12, alleging Stages had 161 unpaid invoices that had come due between June 2022 and January 2024. The invoices totaled NT$454 million ($13.9 million at today’s exchange rate) and are for power meters, exercise bikes, other products and parts, and storage and shipping fees. The complaint says that Giant also has produced and is storing products that Stages ordered valued at another NT$221 million.

Pat Warner, most recently Stages’ senior vice president of product development, has joined Giant Manufacturing as vice president of product R&D. Paddy Murray, Stages’ former VP of global marketing, is now Giant’s VP of global sales and marketing. Stages engineers Eric Golesh and Andy Lull also have joined Giant. BRAIN