Fast Talk Laboratories Launches New Coaching Essentials Member Level
June 16, 2022

Now Coaches Anywhere Can Get Deep, Coaching-Specific Support and Education
June 16, 2022 – Boulder, Colorado, USA /ENDURANCE SPORTSWIRE/ – Fast Talk Laboratories, the fast-growing online education platform and training center, has launched a dynamic new support platform for endurance sports coaches. Two new memberships, Coaching Essentials and USA Cycling Coach member levels, offer a deep endurance knowledgebase, science-based coaching education and development, access to world-class experts, and collaborative athlete services that can extend any coach’s capabilities for their athletes. For more information, visit
As members, coaches gain access to the Fast Talk Labs knowledgebase which features guides for coaches like The Craft of Coaching with Joe Friel, an all-new, 18-part guide from the legendary cycling and triathlon coach. In The Craft of Coaching, Friel shares his ultimate guide to becoming a better, more successful, and happier coach. Friel shares the hard-won lessons he learned about athlete management, the business of coaching, training plans and workouts, performance data analysis, and much more during his nearly 40-year career as one of America’s first independent, professional personal endurance sports coaches.
Fast Talk Labs is now offering collaborative athlete services for coaches. Coaches can extend their support for their athletes by referring athletes to Fast Talk Labs for services like sports nutrition guidance, INSCYD or other physiological testing, and data analysis sessions. Fast Talk Labs invites coaches to join the services and results consultation so coaches can modify athlete training programs as they see fit.
Coach members gain access to Pathways, which are deep dives into specific endurance topics by world-class experts like Dr. Stephen Seiler, Dr. Andy Pruitt, and Dr. Stephen Cheung. Pathways include contributions from dozens of Fast Talk podcast guests like Sebastian Weber, Kendra Wenzel, Dr. Julie Emmerman, Dr. Iñigo San Millán, Julie Young, Neal Henderson, and other top coaches and athletes. Fast Talk Labs releases Pathways about once a month and now offers 11 Pathways on topics like cycling interval training, performance data analysis, sport psychology, indoor cycling, and sports nutrition. Later this summer, coaches can earn USA Cycling-recognized CEUs by completing Fast Talk Labs Pathways.
Fast Talk Labs offers coach members networking opportunities with other experienced coaches, small group Q&A sessions with Joe Friel and other experts, and a coaches-only online Forum. Through a partnership, current, licensed USA Cycling coaches get free access to Fast Talk Labs, The Craft of Coaching, and exclusive USA Cycling content and events.
“Fast Talk Labs is a different kind of endurance sports platform, one that supports both athletes and coaches,” said CEO Trevor Connor. “Our partnership with USA Cycling and this new Coaching Essentials member level show that we are committed to supporting coaches because we know from personal experience how important coaches are to creating a better athlete sports experience.”
About Fast Talk and Fast Talk Laboratories
Fast Talk Laboratories is a new and fast-growing sport science and coaching knowledgebase and virtual training center from the creators of the Fast Talk podcast. Our Lab has sprung from the dynamic community of coaches, experts, and athletes of the Fast Talk podcast, originally hosted by VeloNews. We tap the most engaging experts in sports, sport science, and related fields to share knowledge and experience with our members. Our athlete members, coach partners, and listeners enjoy fascinating multimedia learning experiences including deep dive Pathways, live online events, personal coaching guidance, and access to a slate of world-class athlete services. We are the home of The Craft of Coaching with Joe Friel and a coaching development and education partner of USA Cycling. Fast Talk Laboratories is based in Boulder, Colorado. Learn more and join for free at
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