
Endurance Legends Shalane Flanagan, Dean Karnazes, Rebecca Rusch Talk Longevity, Performance in Live Panel Discussion Presented by InsideTracker

April 22, 2021

Endurance Greats Come Together for “In It for the Long Haul,” a Live Zoom Event April 29 at 6 p.m. EST

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.— April 22, 2021—  InsideTracker, the leading ultra-personalized performance system, is proud to present four-time Olympian and New York City Marathon winner, Shalane Flanagan; ultramarathoner and New York Times bestselling author, Dean Karnazes; and seven-time world champion and Mountain Biking Hall of Famer, Rebecca Rusch, in a live, public Zoom event exploring the essential habits and routines these remarkable athletes use to ensure longevity in sports they love.

The athletes will share how they train for optimal resilience and durability, including the importance of regular blood biometric testing and hyper-personalized nutrition and lifestyle action plans. InsideTracker is the only human performance system to provide actionable feedback and science-backed recommendations by combining key blood and DNA insights with lifestyle and fitness tracker data.

“Shalane, Dean and Rebecca are great examples of world-class, high-performers who are committed to increasing their healthspan to continue doing what they love for the rest of their lives,” Dr. Gil Blander, co-founder and chief science officer, InsideTracker, said. “We are honored to be a trusted partner and scientific resource for these amazing athletes and are pleased to give our community unprecedented access to hear first-hand how these athletes use InsideTracker to improve longevity and resilience for the long haul.”

To join the live panel with these amazing athletes, register at: https://info.insidetracker.com/longhaul

About InsideTracker

InsideTracker is the leading ultra-personalized performance system that analyzes data from your blood, DNA, lifestyle and fitness tracker to help you optimize your body and reach your health and wellness goals. InsideTracker’s patented algorithm and expert system transforms the body’s biomarker data into knowledge, insights and customized action plans of science-backed nutrition, fitness and lifestyle recommendations.  Founded in 2009 by leading scientists in aging, genetics, and biometric data from MIT, Tufts and Harvard, InsideTracker’s mission is to improve the healthspan of people everywhere so they can enjoy longer, healthier lives – adding life to their years and years to their life.

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