DJ Diplo creates run club with a cool twist
March 28, 2024
It seems like everyone and their cousin is part of a different run club in 2024, and it’s hard for one club to distinguish itself from another besides pace, meeting time and location. Grammy award-winning DJ and producer Diplo (Thomas Pentz) found a way to make his new run club a little different, combining a few of his favourite interests—running, music and travel.
The club, which is titled, Diplo’s Run Club, involves a large 5K group run, followed by a music festival that will apparently “ignite your senses.” Instead of just going to a bar or club with your running friends after a run, Diplo says he’s bringing the concert to the run in various U.S. cities. The DJ claims his run club will be more than just an event; it’ll be a celebration, with DJs, live bands, and of course, drinks. Canadian Running