Bee-utiful Sunflower Run Names Sonia Anderson Honorary Race Starter
May 5, 2023

600 Runners & Walkers will Kick-Off Mother’s Day at Gilcrease Orchard
LAS VEGAS, NEVADA – May 5, 2023 /ENDURANCE SPORTSWIRE/ – Beyond Limits Running today announced Sonia Anderson, Co-Founder & CEO of Southern Nevada based non-profit Andson, Inc., has been named the Honorary Race Starter for the 2th Annual Bee-utiful Sunflower Run taking place Sunday, May 14th at the nearly 100-year-old Gilcrease Orchard in Las Vegas, Nevada. A field of 600 will join Sonia on Mother’s Day as they run or walk a 5K, 10K or 1-Mile Kids Fairy Stroll throughout the entire Orchard just as their sunflower field blossoms to life.
Stephanie & Ken Rubeli, Co-Founders of Beyond Limits Running and Co-Race Directors of the Bee-utiful Sunflower Run stated, “As Hellen Keller famously said, ‘Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows. It’s what the sunflower does.’ Despite growing up in one of the poorest countries in the world, Sonia has not only found a way to outrun the shadows as she chases the sun; for the past 13 years, she has been sharing her sunshine and blessings with the children of Southern Nevada. Sonia and her son Anthony founded Andson, Inc., dedicated to providing free supplemental educational programs to “at-risk” students across the valley. Sonia is the blossoming sunflower we all should strive to be.”
Sonia Anderson, Co-Founder & CEO of Andson, Inc. commented, “Growing up in a third world country under gruesome circumstances, my success is totally the result of the help of caring strangers, so Andson is my way of paying it forward.”
About Beyond Limits Running:
Co-founded 12 years ago by Stephanie Rubeli, a double organ transplant recipient and her husband, Ken Rubeli, Beyond Limits Running (“BLR”) was formed to help runners of all abilities run past their perceived limits by competing in running events. Ken is a former casino executive and retired CEO of Boys & Girls Clubs of Southern Nevada. Currently, he serves as board president of Las Vegas-based Andson, Inc. Stephanie is a co-founder and board president of Phoenix-based Mindful Youth Foundation. Known for its over-the-top festive events, BLR produces the Beyond Limits Ultra, the Happy Hippie Harvest Run and the Bee-utiful Sunflower Run. BLR recently sold its nationally recognized Jackpot Ultra Running Festival to Aravaipa Running. Learn more at
About Andson, Inc:
Established in late 2009, Andson, Inc. was created with the mission to educate, inform, and inspire youth in Southern Nevada by providing innovative dynamic programs in academics and financial literacy. Andson’s programs are designed to provide the tools necessary for students to strive for successful and promising futures. In partnership with Las Vegas Clark County Libraries, CCSD, City of Henderson, City on North Las Vegas, and St Judes Ranch of Children, Andson delivers Homework Help and Tutoring and Financial Literacy lessons to students throughout the school year at 18 locations in Clark County. Since inception, Andson has served over 110,000 students in Clark, Lincoln, and Esmeralda Counties.
Media and Contact:
Jennifer Bradley
JB Public Relations
(702) 234-9385